Gratitude for treatment
With many thanks are given some:
For 2 years I suffered from inflammation of the knee joint. I treated the Przeworsk, Rzeszow and Krakow. Relief came, however temporarily. None of the doctors do not put a positive diagnosis. After three treatments and massages feel good. After the first surgery of the knee swelling disappeared. (Sieterz - 1993)

After a few treatments I was able to forget about neurosis and back pain, for which I wanted to thank Mrs. Olga. Over a year, there was no attack neurosis. (Rzeszow - 1998)
Thank you Mrs. Olga for the wonderful help. Treatments Mrs. Olga also helped grandmother, who suffered from rheumatoid arthritis. (Markowa - 1998
I was sick for 10 years. I had problems with the spine. Thanks to Mrs. Olga escaped relatively complex operations. After the first visit to the Mrs. Olga went easy and without pain, and after a few sessions I forgot that I had problems with the spine, and has since been working in the factory, doing the very hard work. (Rakszawa - 1998)
Condition as above, does not reflect the patient urine, stool, is nourished drips. Cancer metastasis is not given during treatment, pain was small, the water disappeared ... (Boguchwała)
A lot of time passed before I realized how much I owe Mrs. Olga. Cured me after all of this serious disease. Now I realize what would happen to me if I had not met you. Even after the first treatment, I felt better, and neurosis completely subsided. Along with her palpitations, fainting, and specifically the thyroid. Thank you very much for everything. (Malawa)
I was sent for surgery of the spine. Because I have wryness 8 discs of spine, the operation would be long and difficult. Olga came to see the spine, sciatica and arthritis. Over the past 12 visits joints, sciatica, and I set back. For those strong fingers and hands, for open heart full of kindness and sacrifice, for the nice moments I thank you calls, and God bless her work, a good heart, and the whole family. (Jawornik Polish - year 1993)
During the visit to the Mrs. Olga found out that his brother has inhibited growth in height. Then we realize how serious the problem existed. After the first surgery has grown 1cm brother. After subsequent meetings - 0.5 cm each. Now, after half a year, my brother has grown beyond recognition - about 10 cm. Thank you very much - sister, mother, and above all, brother.(Jasionka - rok 2000)
Over 25 years ago I had a tumor on his neck, I was in the hospital and wanted me to operate. After treatment with Mrs. Olga lump disappeared. But a heartfelt thanks. (Glinik Charzewski)
A big thanks to Mrs. Olga Koss for improving my health. I suffered from pain in the spine, hips, joints, legs, and I had a tumor on his hands, gave way after a few sessions without a trace. (Czarna)
For several years, I suffered from very severe and severe type of migraine headaches. Pain continued even 2-3 days, they were difficult to control, even for a very strong painkillers. If you select a series of treatments headaches disappeared completely. Also back pain subsided, the right hand has regained its former efficiency. I offer a heartfelt thank you to Olga for improving the state of my physical health, and thus the mental. (Rzeszow)
After tests and a biopsy found a malignant tumor of the uterus. By sincere friends I got to Mrs. Olga Koss. Treatment lasted for 11 days. Along with the treatments was getting something to drink. After a month of time, repeated testing and biopsy. Repeated tests were long and detailed. (Rzeszów-Boguchwała)
Home tragedy ... My father died of lung cancer, a brother to leukemia. After the death of his brother did the research - results came out crap, like a brother. After research of reviews for Olga Koss I went to her. I took about 10 treatments. Control studies have shown good results, simply beyond belief. At this time, it's been about a year. (Zaborów)
We would like to thank you for cured headaches, numbness in hands, tinnitus, pain, anxiety, palpitations, breathlessness, chest, leg numbness, no drowsiness, stinging, near the heart. After the first treatment I could sleep for a few hours well. After another surgery stopped tinnitus, where I stopped to take sedatives to calm the liver, which ceased to criticize the bile into the stomach. After a 6-treatment improved the well-being and ability to sleep deeper. Stopped tingling feet and toes, she calmed down neurosis, for which Ms. Olga I am very grateful. (Rzeszow)
We would like to thank Olga Koss for the drug, which recommended that my daughter, who was burned. She had transplants done at the hospital, special riding-breeches compression of Lodz and 20 rehabilitation. However, it was the importance of improving the scars. When Ms. Olga recommended drug was a big improvement. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for a good heart and willingness to help my child. (Mrowla)
For 8 years I suffered from back pain, for 8 years I had to pay attention to every move. In addition, since neurosis began to harass me - sleepless nights, heart arrhythmia, depressive states, which did not allow me to live and work normally. After a few treatments I was able to forget about neurosis and pain of the spine. Over a year, there was no attack of neurosis, for which I wanted to thank Ms. Olga. (Rzeszow - 1998)
So nice Ms Ola, which saves man when it hurts ... patients from the village, simple people. (Straszydle - 1998)
Nasopharynx cancer - headaches, numbness cheek, eye socket pain, very hard of hearing. After 4 surgery pain subsided external and internal. There was a significant improvement in hearing and numbness cheek. (Rzeszow - 2001)
The ingrown toe nails. A nagging pain, stiff, swollen fingers, I could not wear shoes. This disease is hereditary, because my father had. When I inherited my daughter who surgically pulled nails. After two years to grow again. My fingers have returned to normal, I do not feel any pain. (Krzemienica - 2001)
I woke up with a strong headache. In the end I came to the hospital - the pain was out of control. The results showed tomography and puncture hematoma. After 4 treatments with Mrs. Olga my troubles disappeared. (Rzeszow - 2003)
Being in Mrs. Olga and treating the rheumatic diseases and neurotic depression, Mrs. Olga applied cigarette smoking addicts seeking treatment. I stopped smoking after one month time to the procedure. I do not feel the need smoking, I do not mind being around other smokers. I smoked 35 years 2 packs a day. For the first month I felt only "grief" that do not smoke. (Stalowa Wola - 2004)
Ulcerative colitis. Often I stayed in the hospital. I took steroid drugs, been using a different diet and it did not help. After 12 treatments with Mrs. Olga illness subsided, I do not take any drugs, do not use diet and I feel very good. (Rzeszow - 2005)
Tumors on both ovaries hard diameter of 7 cm - endomefioza appendages. Surgically removed. After the operation, I accepted medications to prevent relapse. However, half a year after the surgery ultrasound showed a tumor the size of a renewal of 4 cm. After a series of treatments by Mrs Olga Koss ultrasound a month after surgery showed a decrease of 1 cm. Next ultrasound for 3 months no longer showed the tumor completely disappeared and I believe in the efficacy of her methods of treatment. (Grodzisko - 2001)
I warmly thank Olga Koss purulent acne treatment with a wonderful result. Previously, other specialists promised me total healing. I lost a lot of time and money. Unsuccessful struggle with acne lasted 3 years. After a visit to the Mrs. Olga that has changed. Her words were not thrown to the wind, just like any other. Confirmation is my clear complexion. (Rudna Mała)
The accident had reduced hip about 3cm shorter leg, damaged three lumbar vertebrae, paralysis of the legs. I could not sit long, back pain is intensified. I lay in the hospital, it was found necessary operation. During the treatment, Mrs. Olga my leg extended, the body is rigid, despite the weight, the pain subsided. I work a lot and I am grateful that you do not end up in a wheelchair. (Rzeszow - 2002)
Thank you ... - Unique hand made ??a lot of good in my sick body. For 12 years I suffered hemorrhagic colitis. Diarrhea 8-9 times a day for 12 years. Large quantities of drugs devastated my body. Many times I was in the hospital. In addition, the stomach started hurting, I have lost 10 kg. I looked like a skeleton, skin color was yellow. I learned from a friend of Mrs. O.Koss. Already after 5 treatments have improved. Stomach pain disappeared and changed the color of the skin. After 7 treatments appetite returned, and after a nine-five diarrhea disappeared. (Czudec - 2005)
We came to Mrs. Olga Koss with a very remote location. Today we know that it was worth it. Agatka was born with spina bifida and hydrocephalus. It has incapacitated the two legs. After the second day of the surgery leg Agatka has changed. Previously, "crawling" with legs sideways divorced, now beautifully pulls legs under him, except that she started babbling a lot, talking (11 months). When you next visit feet began to move. (Elbląg - 2006)
Thank you very much Mrs. Olga Koss for curing me of MELANOMA CANCER. Stigma has grown to the size of a large egg mass black soft Cauliflower, still grown,. From this flows out of the oil with a very unpleasant smell. As time began to hurt and rot. I accidentally learned about Ms. Olga - unexpected results. After a few treatments gelatinous mass had become hard as stone, gradually began to crumble and fall. It was the year 2003 (Krakow - 2006)
We would like to thank Mrs. Olga Koss for your help. In March 2006. appeared to me much pain radiating from the shoulder to the chest. Doctors were not able to put a proper diagnosis: suspected shingles morning, spine, heart. I took strong painkillers and injections. No one was able to relieve my pain. Then I was recommended to see Olga. Ms. Olga began to look for other causes. Set diagnosis, which proved to be very successful for me. Because she did not speak (but did "their"). At the same time I drank a potion prepared by Mrs. Olga. After 15 treatments the pain had disappeared completely. An ultrasound scan showed a tumor on the left kidney with a diameter of 1 cm. After further study nodule was gone. It's been a few months since treatment with Mrs. Olga, I feel like a new man. I believed in the efficacy of the treatment and technology. (Rzeszow - 2006)
My 9-year-old daughter Monika suffering from Children cerebral palsy. Monika was treated for a long time with many experts, but no single method did not give the same effect as treatments mgr. Olga Koss. after the first visit Monica's condition has improved teachers noticed at school. After the third visit, pelvic stiffness and paralysis disappeared. Monica's legs became loose and disappear Monica voltage allowing independent movement on the whole feet. We are extremely grateful to Mrs Olga. Koss and regret that we learned so late for her wonderful hands
Staphylococcus eye lashes grow ... in, I could not open the eye. I had a wound on the cornea. The eye was purple ... We would like to thank you Mrs. Koss for making miracles. Manual therapy combined with hypnosis has made a miracle. This case watched a lot of nuns from Rzeszow during treatment.
My son had psoriasis since childhood all over. It was tragic. At 17, he accidentally learned about an extraordinary man, Mrs. Koss. It's been 10 years and the disease does not return. (Rzeszow).
I had VIRAL HEPATITIS. I was directed to the Department of Infectious Diseases in Łańcut. I turned to Mrs. Koss with their problems ... The results of further research were surprising. The research detailed amazed many a doctor. Thank you and I bow my head low Mrs. Koss.
I'm a doctor .... I found out about Mrs. Olga Koss of their patients. Long-term illness my mother did not give up pharmacological treatment. After three treatments staph bladder disappeared. It's been about 10 years, and the disease does not return. The next time I came with my son, who from childhood had serious problems with acne all over his body sclerosis. It looked like boils. After the whole treatment was completely cured. My personal health problems also are over. I regard it as a great gift, so that may help the afflicted and needy. (Rzeszow)
...saved me my jaw. I had the lace sticks both jaws. After three years, I felt the pain and the smell from the mouth. Coincidentally, during the treatment of other ailments in the conversation he told me about his problems with his teeth. And the problem was serious. Another exchange of both jaws to new impl. Mrs. Olga Koss methods have proven to be effective. I think it's a great miracle that made ?? the Mrs. Olga Koss. Bishop. Curia.
I'm a doctor. My back problems kept me from surgical operation. I had a pelvic ring set obliquely, lateral curvature of the spine, short leg. Paralysis did not allow me to move automatically. In three days, Mrs.Olga Koss set me on my feet. Surgeon. (Rzeszow)